New Vista

Our Services

Our Commitment

New Vista is accredited by the Desert Regional Center (DRC) as a provider of services to Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled people. This state agency conducts case management and oversight of all services provided by New Vista.

Service success and continuing quality improvement are monitored regularly through quality assurance surveys that help determine satisfaction levels. These surveys also allow staff to address problems early on and make changes that will improve the services being provided.

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All providers must be re-certified annually or every two years to remain current on all new policies and procedures and ensure the best supports are being delivered.

New Vista supports individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Southern Nevada by providing the following list of services:

How we help

  • In-Home SLA (Supported Living Arrangement)
  • SLA (Supported Living Arrangement)
  • TSLA (Transitional Supported Living Arrangement)
  • Youth Program
  • ISLA (Intensive Supported Living Arrangements)
  • An array of empowering programs to promote independence, confidence, and self-advocacy

Learn more about our services

In-Home SLA

Transitional SLA

Intensive SLA